Huntly Golf Club is a flat easy walking, picturesque 18 hole golf course situated alongside the mighty Waikato River, 1-hour south of Auckland and 30 minutes north of Hamillton.
Hire Golf carts available at $30 (18 holes) and $15 (9 holes). Hire Trundlers $5 and Hire Clubs plus trundler $15. NZMCA Members Campervaners and Caravaners can stay overnight in the club carpark or river adjacent glade: $7 overnight; $10 with power plug in and $12 with club ablution use.
Club Memberships cover the right to all activities: golf, footgolf, tramping and camping. Kids under 12 are free as part of a n adult membership; Teens $52 per annum; Young Adults $104pa; Social Members (darts and Pool facilities)$52pa.